RevenueSA Online allows registered payroll tax users to:

  • calculate and lodge your monthly payroll tax liability (including nil returns), if applicable your estimated monthly deduction is pre-filled;
  • pay your payroll tax liability or generate a payment advice (for EFT or BPAY) for your monthly returns and any annual reconciliation amount;
  • view a year to date summary of your monthly wage component split, through the wage component summary tool;
  • calculate payroll tax liability without committing the calculation to a return period by using the Payroll Tax Calculator;
  • option to receive a Notice of Assessment electronically if an annual reconciliation lodgement results in an amount outstanding once assessed by a Taxation Officer; and
  • set future dated payments. Direct debit (formerly Electronic Payment Authority EPA) users only.

How do I register my organisation for payroll tax?

To register your organisation as an employer for payroll tax in South Australia you need to use RevenueSA Online. There are 2 parts to the registration process:.

  1. Register as a RevenueSA Online user.
  2. Register your organisation for the RevenueSA Online payroll tax component.

RevenueSA Online provides you with the functionality to lodge, pay and modify monthly and annual returns.

All RevenueSA Online users are required to comply with the Terms of Use when accessing and using RevenueSA Online.

It is recommended that you read the Guide to Legislation before you commence your registration.

I already use RevenueSA Online do I need to register again?

If you are already a user of RevenueSA Online, you do not need to register again. Instead you can create a payroll tax registration for a different organisation from within RevenueSA Online:

  1. Click on the briefcase icon in the top right corner of the screen in RevenueSA Online.
  2. Select New Payroll Tax Registration.
  3. Complete the registration screens.

How do I register my organisation for the RevenueSA Online Payroll Tax component?

Once you have registered as a RevenueSA Online user, you will be sent an email with a link to register your organisation as an employer for payroll tax in South Australia. This is an online process where you provide RevenueSA with information about your organisation.

You have 28 days to return to RevenueSA Online and complete your registration, once this time has passed your registration will expire and you will need to start a new registration.

You can access the system at

For more information about the registration process including a list of what information you need to complete the online registration refer to our Register for Payroll Tax page.

I have finished the online registration, what happens now?

RevenueSA will send you an email advising that the payroll tax registration is complete.

If your organisation applied to pay payroll tax via direct debit as part of the online registration, your nominated Administrators will be sent a username and password to the email address provided for them.

How do I use RevenueSA Online?

Online Help is available by clicking on the 'Help' icon in RevenueSA Online. Alternatively, you can access the Help below:

  • Organisation Details (PDF 141KB)

    Employment (PDF 191KB)

    Grouping Details (PDF 121KB)

    Group Members (PDF 91KB)

    Wage Estimates (PDF 130KB)

    Employment Ceased (PDF 123KB)

    Actual Wages Paid (PDF 143KB)

    Payment (PDF 84KB)

    Payment Authority (PDF 171KB)

    Declaration (PDF 1,394KB)

  • For payroll tax assistance: