Site values are determined on an annual basis by the Valuer-General as part of a general valuation and each new valuation comes into force from 1 July to 30 June of a financial year, then it is superseded by a new valuation coming into force for the following 1 July.

Section 24(1) of the Valuation of Land Act 1971 provides that an Objection to the Valuer-General cannot be lodged against a site value that is no longer in force.

Due to delays in issuing some land tax assessments following the changes required to implement land tax reform, the Commissioner of State Taxation and the Valuer-General have agreed to a temporary administrative arrangement to allow landowners to have site values reviewed that are not in force pursuant to the Valuation of Land Act 1971.

If a landowner receives a Land Tax Assessment for the 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and/or 2023-24 financial years after 1 July 2024, where the site value on the notice is no longer in force, and does not agree with the statutory site valuation referred to in the Land Tax Assessment, they may lodge a request for a review with RevenueSA. Your request must be within 60 days of receiving the first Land Tax Assessment from RevenueSA for the respective financial year.

Where the land owner receives a Land Tax Assessment for the current 2024-25 financial year, then you can lodge an objection with the Valuer-General within 60 days of the first notice and in accordance with the provisions of the Valuation of Land Act 1971. View more information on objecting to a value.

The approach for each financial year is summarised below:

Financial Year of Land Tax Liability

Land Tax Assessment issued after 1 July 2024


Lodge a site value Objection with the Office of the Valuer-General within 60 days of receiving the Land Tax Assessment.


Lodge a site value review via email with RevenueSA at within 60 days of receiving the Land Tax Assessment.


Lodge a site value review via email with RevenueSA at within 60 days of receiving the Land Tax Assessment.


Lodge a site value review via email with RevenueSA at within 60 days of receiving the Land Tax Assessment.


Lodge a site value review via email with RevenueSA at within 60 days of receiving the Land Tax Assessment.

A review of your Land Tax Assessment, including taking into consideration advice from the Valuer-General on the site value, is at the Commissioner of State Taxation’s discretion and will be on a case-by-case basis. The Commissioner of State Taxation’s decision to undertake a review will take into consideration, amongst other things, whether or not the delay in issuing a Land Tax Assessment resulted in you not being able to lodge the Objection with the Valuer-General prior to the end of the relevant financial year.

If, as a result of a site value review, the Valuer-General advises RevenueSA of an updated site value, the updated site value will be recorded in RevenueSA’s system and the updated site value will be used by RevenueSA for land tax purposes only. The site value on the valuation roll, which has been adopted by other rating agencies that use the value, will not be updated.

Further, as the site valuation review process is an administrative arrangement, should you disagree with the outcome of the site value review you do not have the ability to object, or seek a further review of the decision under the Valuation of Land Act 1971.

If you lodge a review you are still required to pay your land tax by the due date. If the review results in an amendment to the site value, then a refund or a new Land Tax Assessment may be issued.