Payment of taxes and levies is an important community responsibility which allows the Government to provide infrastructure and services for the benefit of all South Australians.

RevenueSA has an expectation all tax and levy payers who incur a liability will make the necessary payment by the due date. If you are experiencing difficulty, we expect that you will contact RevenueSA as soon as possible, preferably before the due date to discuss your situation.

It may be possible to give you extra time to pay without interest being charged or negotiate a payment plan. If a payment plan is arranged, you will normally have to pay interest on the late payment.

RevenueSA has a dedicated debt and payment management team (“Debt Management Services”). The team is responsible for the collection and recovery of any debts that are not paid by their due date.

if you are experiencing difficulty in making a payment when it is due, contact Debt Management Services on (08) 8226 3750 or send us an email

Our approach at a glance

Our preference is to work with you cooperatively, providing you with help to meet your obligations voluntarily.

We will:

  • respond to you with respect and courtesy;
  • make fair and equitable decisions in accordance with the legislation which we administer; and
  • resolve your enquiries or concerns as quickly as possible.

We ask:

  • that you treat us with the same courtesy, consideration and respect;
  • that you provide full facts and circumstances when you request assistance; and
  • that you answer questions completely and accurately.

Our primary aim is to assist you to manage your payment obligations. However, if you are un-cooperative, we may need to take firmer action.  As an example, we have wide-ranging powers to access information from third parties and to commence legal processes without advising you, if it becomes necessary.

Also, if we are subjected to rude or abusive behaviour, we may end a telephone call or interview.

Our approach in more detail

The Taxation Administration Act 1996 (the “TAA”) provides the authority for the Commissioner of State Taxation (the “Commissioner”) to recover unpaid taxation debts arising from the administration and enforcement of that legislation.

The First Home Housing and Construction Grant Act 2000 and the Emergency Services Funding Act 1998 provide similar authority to the Commissioner to recover unpaid levy and grant debts. Grant debts arise where the recipients have subsequently been found to be ineligible from a compliance audit and are required to repay the grant.

All unpaid taxation, levy and/or grant debts are considered debts to the Crown.

If you are a tax or levy payer or ineligible grant recipient and you are unable to pay your liability in full by the due date, either you or a professional representative acting on your behalf, should contact Debt Management Services as soon as possible to discuss alternative payment terms or to negotiate a mutually suitable extension of time.

RevenueSA is committed to working collaboratively with taxpayers who are genuinely having difficulties meeting their payment obligations.

If you do not pay the tax, levy or grant liability in full by the due date and you do not make contact with us, you will be contacted soon after the due date with a letter of Demand. If no contact has been made at this point, we will presume that you are not going to pay your obligation and we will apply the appropriate debt strategy necessary to recover or secure the unpaid debt.

Contact us