Getting caught up in the excitement of purchasing your first home, you may not be aware of your state revenue obligations and entitlements. It is important to know what these are to ensure that you budget for any state revenue liabilities and don't get caught out with any unexpected taxes or levies.

On the other hand, you may also be entitled to receive the first home owner grant or stamp duty relief administered by RevenueSA.

This page only provides information in regards to any payments you are required to make to, or may receive from, RevenueSA. For information regarding other costs and/or entitlements, talk to your conveyancer or financial institution.

If you are not buying or acquiring  your first home, please see our Property Owner or Buyer page.

Purchasing residential property in South Australia? Use the Residential Property Buyer Tool to find information on the state revenue obligations that you may need to pay, and exemptions and/or grants you may be entitled to receive when you acquire residential property in South Australia.

What state taxes, duties and levies will I need to pay when I purchase a residential property in South Australia?

There are a number of taxes and levies that you may need to pay when you purchase a residential property in South Australia, regardless of whether this is your first home, a new home, vacant land or an investment property. These are:

Other government fees, rates and charges may also apply and be adjusted at settlement, your conveyancer will be able to advise of these.

A Transfer Registration Fee will also be payable to Land Services SA to register the transfer.

What grants and relief are available when I build my first home?

As a first home buyer you may be eligible for the:

What state taxes and levies are payable each year on property in South Australia?

When you own property in South Australia there are some taxes and levies that you may need to pay each year. These are:

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